Either you resist change and crib or you embraced change and make a difference. To all the educators embraced change to reach out to their students, you are the change makers and lifelong learners, no technology can ever replace you.
गुरुर्ब्रह्मा ग्रुरुर्विष्णुः गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः । गुरुः साक्षात् परं ब्रह्म तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः ॥
Guru is verily the representative of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. He creates, sustains knowledge and destroys the weeds of ignorance. I salute such a Guru.
A guru has been bestowed with the status above god; today is the time for a guru to show that omnipotent presence. Where doctors are fighting at the frontline, police, military and para military forces are maintaining the law and order. Banks, govt departments and people who provide necessary, essentials services for our day to day life are working to ensure we are safe in our adobe. What roles do WE as educators are playing in the present scenario? Are we not responsible for our students? Today is the time to stand for what we believe, PARENT-TEACHER-STUDENT CONNECT. We may not be the frontrunner for our nation, but we definitely are – for our students. We started our humble beginning with this noble thought and we take pride in standing by it.
Today, children are at home, they are confined to the four walls; parents are doing wonders with them, teaching them multiple skills, encouraging them to learn new skills and keeping them motivated throughout. As an educationist it’s time for us to share some responsibility and we are willing to do that with our TASK FORCE. We will ensure to maintain the equilibrium; few hours of academics will not devoid our children from learning other life skills, instead why we are not looking at the bright light at the end of the tunnel. This is the best time, children are learning to face the adversity, they were not prepared for a sudden lockdown, they can’t go down and play, can’t meet their friends….they are too young, but they are learning the lesson of life, which we have probably not. What is wrong if children are getting exposure to new ways of academic oriented learning, in return they are sharpen their skills; may it be comprehending, reading, writing, critical thinking, rational thinking, numerical, and geometrical, the list of skills is long, which the online and digital platforms are offering. Children have learnt one of the best management skill; from plan A to plan B, switching over mechanism when need arise from regular school to digital platform. Today, where empathy is the topmost 21st century skill, how many of us have spoken to the parents, what they expect from the school in present scenario?
Arise! Awake! And stop not till the goal is reached!
The need of the hour is to let our children utilise their time well and not to fall in the deep dungeon of emptiness or boredom. Through online learning the students will be able to connect with both their teachers as well as friends that will provide them with much needed emotional fulfilment at this time. If the learners are younger, pre-made videos as well as uploaded worksheets can be used to keep them updated with the curriculum while strengthening their cognitive abilities. It is a necessity at this time that we try to distract ourselves from constantly thinking about the pandemic by putting some time aside to learn in a new and fun way. When the schools will reopen more than academics, we will have to work on the mental and physical health of the learners, at that time we will look for tremendous support from parent fraternity and today we need to stand to support them. It’s time to introspect are we as an adult ready for the adversities in life….our children are facing it and deriving lifelong learning from this lockdown period. PARENT-TEACHER-STUDENT CONNECT is what we as educators vouch for….It’s time to stand for and stand by each other and make the optimal use of the lockdown period. Open your arms open your mind and let the best learning come to you from all the sides.
My sincere and wholehearted gratitude to educationist across the globe, for their untiring efforts….you are the hero in making, you didn’t give up and lockdown didn’t put a full stop in your teaching learning sessions. You are truly preparing your learners for the uncertain future. As educators, it’s time to destroy the weeds of ignorance and become worthy of the salute as a Guru.
Stay safe, Stay blessed!
Regards, Dr. Seema Negi Principal Sanjeevani World School Vaishali Nagar, Dahisar (East) Mumbai, Maharashtra