Master Vansh Vashistha from The Mann SchoolK12 NewsJun 14, 20191 min readUpdated: Jun 15, 2019Made the school proud by achieving International Rank 1st in International Company Secretaries Olympiad (ICSO) and thus receiving the International Company Secretaries Award (ICSO) and a cash prize of Rs 1 Lac in the International award ceremony. #TheMannSchool #MannSchool #Mapsians #ICSC #ProudMoment#EducationofToday #ScienceOlympiadFoundation #K12News #BestBoardingSchoolinDelhi #Awards #Appreciation
Made the school proud by achieving International Rank 1st in International Company Secretaries Olympiad (ICSO) and thus receiving the International Company Secretaries Award (ICSO) and a cash prize of Rs 1 Lac in the International award ceremony. #TheMannSchool #MannSchool #Mapsians #ICSC #ProudMoment#EducationofToday #ScienceOlympiadFoundation #K12News #BestBoardingSchoolinDelhi #Awards #Appreciation