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Insensitive': US Streetwear Brand Faces Backlash over School Shooting-Themed Hoodies

It was not just the people of social media, family members and survivors of school shootings also lambasted the offensive garments online.

New York based streetwear brand Bstroy is facing backlash after it unveiled its Spring 2020 menswear collection recently with four new hoodies featuring the names of schools devastated by mass shooting. Names of schools - Sandy Hook, Marjory Stoneman Douglas, Columbine and Virginia Tech - feature on the hoodies.

What intensified rage among people was the tattered details and distressing that resemble bullet holes, recalling how nearly 100 students and staff members were killed during shooting on these school campuses.

Soon after the pictures were unveiled on Instagram, it started facing flak with people commenting on the designs “disgusting", "insensitive", “callous” and “revolting”.

It was not just the people of social media, family members and survivors of school shootings also lambasted the offensive garments online.

Teenage survivor of the shooting in Stoneman Douglas, Kyle Kashuv took to the comments section of one of the images featuring his school's name and called the designs "disgusting".

“I would just like to say, what actual the hell is wrong with you. Goddamn monetizing off a school shooting,” wrote Kashuv.

An Instagram account for the Vicki Soto Memorial Fund, named after a teacher who died at Sandy Hook Elementary School, also criticized Bstroy for its Spring 2020 menswear collection. It said, “As a Sandy Hook family, what you are doing here is absolutely disgusting, hurtful, wrong and disrespectful. You’ll never know what our family went through after Vicki died protecting her students. Our pain is not to be used for your fashion.”

According to a HuffPost report, when it tried contacting Bstroy ― founded by designers Brick Owens and Dieter “Du” Grams ― did not immediately comment over the issue.

Owens, however, posted a statement on his Instagram, describing the inspiration behind the hoodies. The post read, “Sometimes life can be painfully ironic. Like the irony of dying violently in a place you considered to be a safe, controlled environment, like school. We are reminded all the time of life’s fragility, shortness, and unpredictability yet we are also reminded of its infinite potential.”


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