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Effective school management requires managers who succeed in carrying out the organizational goals of their schools, utilizing the following leadership skills: planning (deciding how to accomplish the organization's goals); organizing (doing the necessary preparation); staffing (filling positions with the right people); directing (motivating staff so that goals are achieved); controlling (guiding the organization in the proper direction); and decision making (which underlies everything the manager accomplishes). The competent principal chooses a time frame that fits the planning agenda, and develops strategies to monitor progress. Meetings should be well-planned, and time management strategies should be applied in order to achieve appropriate delegation of tasks. Leadership is a basic part of management, and loyalty and respect are gained through merit. Four attributes of a successful school principal are intelligence, expression and image, leadership and management ability, and "guts."

A school’s management is the brains of the institution. Great management will trickle down the right educational ethos into every child of the school while a failure at the top will naturally crumble the entire establishment.

1. Good school management is a team, never an individual

Too much responsibility vested in one person is bound to go downhill. Thus, a great school will always have a team of esteemed professionals sitting in its management room. The profiles will vary consisting of the school principal, maybe a chairperson or a director, a board of governors or advisers and definitely a school mentor. This way, every decision is filtered through the right minds and the end result is bound to be successful.

2. The management works on behalf of the students

The pupils and their educational growth are always a priority for great school management. Every decision, be it infrastructural or academic, will revolve around the benefits of the children.

3. They foster partnerships with the parents

Expect periodic parent-teachers meetings where there will be space for a healthy and constructive discussion and the communication channel with the top management will always be open.

4. They are quick to identify and adopt change

Change is the only constant and education tends to face it more than any other field. With technology playing a major part in changing the current socio-economic needs, the entire academic model of any school always seems to need minor overhauls.

5.The management will always recognize talent

Great leadership is all about recognizing people’s abilities and providing them the space to cultivate their skills. Such a trait is very much important in schools as the institution is filled with learners who are hungry to grow.

6.They inspire, motivate and encourage

Smiling students within the school campus are your report cards of the school management. When the entire institute is under great leadership, expect a fearless batch who are always motivated, well-guided, encouraged during their downfall and inspired to try harder.

7.The best management always self-evaluates

Every member of the top school management will constantly look at the mirror for self-evaluation. They will take in feedback from the students, parents, teachers and all other staff. They will address grievances, strike a balance between logical and emotional decisions and present a listening ear to constructive criticism





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