Prime Minister Narendra Modi also urged the students to 'aim big in life and divide targets into small parts and go for achieving these small goals.'
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on early Saturday morning interacted with a group of school students from across the country who were at the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) headquarters to witness the landing of Chandrayaan 2 on the moon's surface.
When a student asked PM Modi to give him tips to become the President of India, the former jovially asked him why he doesn't aim to become the Prime Minister instead.
"My aim is to become President of India so what steps I should follow," asked the boy.
"Why President? Why not Prime Minister?" replied the Prime Minister.
After the jolt over the space agency's loss of contact with Chandrayaan 2's moon lander, Modi walked up to the students and told them not to be disappointed by setbacks in life.
He also urged the students to "aim big in life and divide targets into small parts. Go for achieving these small goals. Forget about what you missed and never let disappointment enter in the way."
Moments before it was supposed to touch down on the moon's surface on Saturday, communication with Vikram lander was lost on the far side of the lunar surface.
ISRO chairman K Sivan announced that communication with Vikram lander was lost at 2.1 km from the Lunar surface. "Vikram lander descend was normal and as planned till 2.1 km. Subsequently, communication with Vikram lander was lost. Data is being analyzed," Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Chairman K Sivan announced.