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Tough times and difficult days help us to know how strong is our mind : Jiya Datta

"Tough times and difficult days help us to know how strong is our mind"

Life is not always easy . We face many challenges everyday . On some days we think nothing is happening in our favour . It’s like the whole universe has turned against us. In such situations , it’s difficult to stay positive. For a short time we are not able to see the full glass . We start losing our mental peace which is okay . But we cannot give up. Life is tough darling but so are us! We have to put a stop on our fear and regain the strength to overcome the difficult situation.No matter how difficult it may seem, resolving it starts by recognizing that these difficult moments won’t last forever

Remember sun shines brighter after the storm .We need to look at the positive side of every situation. No one wants to struggle in life, but each time when we endure a difficult time we build a stronger character . And this character will give us strength when next time we face such tough situation in life .

Bad time is nothing but a phase which will end eventually. We cannot control it but what we can is our mind .

When we cannot change the situation ,change the attitude towards that situation Accept the things rather than regretting why it occurred . What’s done is done , that can not be changed . Acceptance will relax our mind and take away all the tension from it . Identify the root cause of our problem. There might be some ways to reduce anxiety and make us feel better. Sometimes we only are the obstacles in our problem. For the thing we can’t change, don’t waste time thinking about them ,invest time in better things . Problems become less when we share it with our loved ones. Every problem cannot be solved solely , sometimes we need someone to listen and suggest us ideas to come out of that problem. It’s okay to share our problems with people we cherish. Asking for help never makes us weak.

We all only have one life on Earth , let’s make it count. We don’t want to live a life of regrets of wasted time and missed opportunities . But a life full of happy and joyful memories . Happiness cannot be bought from a super market. It comes from within . Do more of what makes us happy , it can be Listening to a song , sketching , cooking , gardening or reading novel. Make a list of things which bring immense joy in life and then indulge in them.This won’t overcome your problem but keep us positive and calm.

Just remember “Be strong now because things will get better . It might be stormy now, but it can’t rain forever.”

Jiya Datta

Class 12

Springdales School, Dhaula Kuan


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