NEW DELHI: The Delhi government has directed all schools in the national capital to sensitize parents against driving of vehicles by underage students and about its legal consequences.
Schools have also been asked to ensure that no student who is underage be allowed to commute to and from school driving any vehicle.
“Incidents of offenses by juveniles while driving vehicles are on the rise. In this context, attention of all parents and heads of schools of Delhi is brought to the Section 199 A (1 and 2) and 199 B of ‘The Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 2019’...,” the Directorate of Education (DoE) said in a letter to school principals.
The law states that if an offense has been committed by a juvenile, “the guardian of or the owner of the motor vehicle shall be deemed to be guilty of the contravention and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly”, it said.
“Students and their parents should be made aware of the above provisions of the law and penalties and consequences of their violations through classroom instructions, school assembly (whenever schools re-open), online instructional mediums used by the teachers, parent-teacher meetings, school notice board,” the DoE said.
REFERENCE: https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/sensitise-parents-on-consequences-of-underage-driving-delhi-govt-to-schools/story-tOcL8QQkWqDkTpTY1Lwi9H.html