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School Principals sharing Innovative Online Practices-Knowledge Exchange Programme by EduDrone

Writer: K12 NewsK12 News

Pune, Maharashtra : School Principals sharing Innovative Online Practices-Knowledge Exchange Programme by EduDrone.

EduDrone - WE CONNECT in association with OMOTECH And Adventure Education organised a Principals Meet to deliberate discussions on sharing some innovative online practices. The session was moderated by Mrs. Kajal Chhatija, Founder, EduDrone- WE CONNECT along with Shekhar Jain and Bezad Shroff. Dr Shunila Joy Chauhan, Principal of Orchids the International School Mumbai, addressed the session by explaining the online learning strategies at Orchids and at AOL School, which is a vertical of Orchids. She elaborated how AOL would remain as a virtual school and had already 1300 plus students under the leadership of Academic head Ms Shilpi Gupta and Principals Ms Padmaja Reddy and herself.

She explained how technology has enhanced online teaching and outlined the ways of engaging students online through different methods like classwork submissions which are to be submitted after taking notes in class and uploaded on the portal. The AOL School and Orchids uses different methods of experiential learning during online sessions like Multiplayer quiz, cloning the author etc. She then highlighted the challenges of hybrid learning which is facing most of the schools now.

Dr. Pratiksha Dixit, Principal, Springfields, Moradabad, U.P., participated in the session as a resource person and shared her views about bringing in quality education by using contemporary innovative pedagogies in the pluralistic society. She was very much concerned about the education scenario at present and stated that being a leader, we are working as a team to provide the students, the education that equips them to develop their own independent way of thinking and judgement so that they are able to make up their minds to the best courses of action in various challenging circumstances in their lives. She emphasized upon the 4 C’s i.e., Care, Connection, Culture and Community along with the 21st century skills including 4 C’s again viz. communication, critical thinking, creativity and collaboration. She also opined that we should inform our students “Why to explore why?” it is because this “why” appeals straight to the part of our brain that is responsible for the expression and experience of emotion and which drives decision-making ultimately leading to how and where analysis for which design thinking approach is the right way to achieve this objective. Teachers must be trained to use the blended mode of learning and CBPs should be arranged for them for getting them trained in student-focused teaching strategies e.g., gamification, project based learning, experiential learning, peer teaching, inquiry based and problem based learning, reciprocal teaching, personalized and differentiated instructional practices etc. We should emphasize on inventing innovative and effective learning strategies rather than pondering more upon innovative teaching strategies. The educators must keep themselves updated all the time to teach the 21st century learners who are intellectual, sci-fi, robotic, human as well as alien-like superpowers and qualities far beyond the cognition of present generations. So we have to enhance our pace our skills to be reshaped to cater to our future generations.

Mr. Vishal Ganguli is an educator and principal in transit from Japan to China. As the incoming Secondary Principal at BISS International School Beijing, Vishal shared his views as a resourse person on adapting a suitable educational framework in the North-East Asian context to help schools sustain an effective educational process and encourage all stakeholders to continue learning even with the toughest possible disruptive circumstances.

In the first half of the conversation, Vishal shared his experience on how his schools have collaborated on articulating learning through an effective mindset of leading education in disruptive times.  His previous School in Tokyo has a growth mindset of 'omotenashi' in the Japanese context, which means hospitality in Japanese culture. Hence, the mindful feeling of hospitality led his school leadership and governance team to review multiple factors. Factors such as establishing a solid IT infrastructure, which includes a significant faith and investment in IT, would only value enhancing the teaching and learning process. Furthermore, schools would require establishing an IT leadership team who will help sail the schools through IT alongside the School's leadership team. Importance is also added on orienting training all school stakeholders, including students. Therefore, investment in IT and establishing a solid IT team is essential to articulate online learning that would allow students to be creative in the most uncreative times.

In the second part of the conversation and the light of current educational disruption, one thing is very predictable that is 'everything is unpredictable,' in the light of unpredictability, Vishal continues to add in order to improve the teaching and learning process, his previous and incoming School continued embracing the ADDIE framework proposed by the United Nations. The ADDIE framework allowed to review the School's leadership team on increasing the quality of teaching and learning and provided substantial support to students to review their understanding of their lessons and enhance students' understanding of sustainable education. Through the understanding of lessons, students review their learning objectives through important tools such as assignment feedback, improvement in instructions delivered by teachers in which students voice their opinions on critical issues, and most importantly, effective implementation of learning from the unit taught into real-life context.  Therefore, the ADDIE framework allows schools to improve their learning and helps to sustain by allowing students to voice their opinions on critical issues in response to the current global crisis and lead their pathway for learning.

Mrs. Chhatija concluded the session by thanking speakers and presenters for sharing their insightful and thought provoking points to improve the quality in online education.


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