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No Online Class In Private Schools During Summer Vacation: Delhi Government

New Delhi:

The Delhi Government today ordered suspension of online classes in private schools during the summer vacation, which started on April 20 and will continue till June 9. The government had earlier rescheduled the summer vacation due to the COVID-19 situation and cancelled online classes in government schools during this period.

"lt has been brought to the notice of this directorate that despite the summer vacation which has been advanced due to surge in COVID 10 cases, the regular online learning method continues to be adopted in one way or the other by some private schools," the Directorate of Education (DoE) said in an official order.

“Keeping in mind the prevailing situation due to COVID-19 and in the overall interest of stakeholders of the management of private schools including its teaching staff, it is expedient that direction issued in respect of Government Schools and Govt. Aided schools with regards to suspension of online classes a s mentioned above needs is extended in the unaided recognised schools of Delhi also,” according to an order issued by the Delhi Directorate of Education (DoE).

While all online, semi online teaching-learning activities will remain suspended during the summer vacation, other vacation related activities, remedial classes, etc. can continue.

“...The schools may conduct vacation related specific activities, remedial classes for specific set of students and other activities for creativity, happiness and overall social and emotional well being to enrich the overall growth of the students without calling them to school physically,” it added.

The Delhi government said while measures taken by private schools to continue the teaching learning process during the pandemic is praiseworthy, vacation is important for both teachers and students as it is an opportunity “to break free from the monotony”.

“This is the intent of summer vacation and other scheduled vacations in the academic calendar of schools. In the present circumstances due to COVID-19 and the context explained above, it is all the more important that the intent of summer vacation is realized not just in letter but in spirit too,” an official statement said.


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