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My K12 Story, Journey So Far: Mr. Brendon Masciel, Edupreneur at Believe It’s Within, Dadar, Mumbai

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Why Fit In…

When you are capable of amazing things

Mr. Brendon Masciel

A fervent Edupreneur, Empowerment Coach, Certified Gestalt Associate, NLP Practitioner, Positive Psychology Coach, Adolescent Counsellor and now an Academic Head committed to fostering the positive core to develop every individual potential, through the process of self-exploration and discovery. I equip individuals and teams to recognize and utilize their strengths to achieve their goals, through a journey of exploration of the positive core and strengths. As they move from Self-awareness to Happiness, empowering them to see a powerful perspective that can catapult them forward no matter the current circumstances and provides a greater sense of 'CAN DO' empowerment to accomplish their goals.

That would be me in a nutshell out there…

Reflecting on my journey from tutor to where I stand now; I remember as a child I would always play the role of a teacher, writing on doors and having things as students. And how it gave me a high, of playing a part in co-creation; knowing well that one day, I was destined to be a part of the profession that creates all professions.

I faced the resistance that most males in our society face when we decide that we want to entre a profession thought to be primarily dominated by females. The irony was that most top positions in the field were still held my males, now that’s a topic for another discussion. The point am trying to make is that the journey has been through its fair share of trails and discomfort and continues to be one. Never the less, I always believed that I was born not to Fit In.

The urge for not fitting in, has seen me throwing myself into anything and everything on offer in the field. From tutoring students in Kindergarten to College or teaching English to Economics have done it all and dealt with all. My journey has brought to light quite a few traits of my own, that I would have never been able to uncover elsewhere. Over the years I have mastered the art of connecting with individuals and realize those that are genuine and those faking it. On a lighter note, quite a few people know that I know a whole bunch of excusing that they will give to avoid task and so they are at a disadvantage there. The profession has made me shock proof to the happenings around, as if you ever dealt with the uncertainties in a classroom, you know you can deal with any curve ball that come your way.

My passion for learning and people centric approach (my ability to connect with people, see them for who they are and deal with each in a unique manner as there is no one size, fit all) has seen me dawn many hats during my 19 years’ professional expedition working my way up the ladder. This expedition has given me a chance to experience the experience, develop an excellent leadership and communication skills, learning and implementing lessons learnt, within my professional and personal arena; to cultivate a trusting and productive relationships with stakeholders.

It’s never been a bed of roses for me, but am sure to the spectators and to my critics, it may seem otherwise, what got me through this was basically remembering that we all do things given our understanding, it’s easy to judge and pull down; and I don’t just say it without walking the talk. Having held position with power and authority; I have always put responsibility first.

I believed in walking the talk and doing things first, going head on, be it - trying to move delivery online much before Pandemic, meeting students individually to access their Employability Quotient, or taking on the organization and implementation of curriculum while the course in live, to designing and implementing the First ever Convocation program for a private vocational institution, to compare and hosting an International Day, and so on. The reason I dive in, is so when we ask people to do it, we can also explain how to do it, rather then ask them to do it. I never wanted the Podium but always got it, I learned through the year that learning happens as we walk are way to the top, and remembering to nice to the people I meet while I am moving ahead, as sometime we all will fail, and its then when you need these people to push you back.

The biggest career risk I took was to move from a stable career and venture on my own to begin ‘Believe It’s Within’ an empowerment coaching and skill development organization, where in we worked to build a Can-Do Attitude to live with No Fear No Limits No Excuses. The only reason I sailed through the business during the pandemic was my purpose and passion. I knew well that failure was an option, but hope was still the better chance and fortune does favor the brave. I knew in the end good or bad it would be a learning. An experience no job would teach me.

I have always made love to my failure, as I realized very early in life that Failure is inevitable and running away from it does not help. Remember no matter where I worked formal, informal, vocational, private, or a public sector organization. What we require is passion and drive, the willingness to do with the heart, and at time be ready for being dragged into the mud, to friends become foes. Its all part and parcel of learning as we journey through life. There is no use crying over spilled milk, learn to be alert so the next time the milk does not spill; Awareness is key.

What is mine is mine and no one can take it from destiny.

Message: Life is not a Scare; If you dare to Bare

Remember; Every Single Imperfection adds to your Strength; Hence we are all ImPerfect



Mr. Brendon Masciel


Believe It’s Within

308, Sudarshan Bldg, Gokhale Road (South), Dadar, Mumbai 400028


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