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Updated: Jul 29, 2019

Is the summer break only all about completing your holiday homework? I personally think it’s more than that and you might believe me after you read my experience.

The summer vacation had started out pretty well. My father had planned a school trip for me to Europe. It was so exciting to just think of visiting a foreign land, and now I was really going there. So on 22nd May, me and my tour mates had an evening discussion with the principal for the departure next morning.

The school bus dropped us all at the airport at 6:00 a.m. sharp. We boarded our flight from Delhi to Istanbul. It was the first time that I was boarding a flight and was very excited. After taking many turns, the plane stopped at the runway. Then if took off with such speed that I could not even imagine. Slowly, it started to gain altitude and in a couple of minutes we were above the clouds. It was a fabulous sight to behold. The flight lasted for 6 hours. After that we boarded our next flight from Istanbul to Paris. When we reached the airport, we collected our luggage and completed the immigration process. Our guide was waiting for us at the outside of the airport with a bus. Upon reaching outside, we all greeted him and the bus driver who took us straight to the Eiffel tower. From its top we could see the whole seine river.

We visited many places like the famous museum Louvre, which houses the legendary painting “Mona Lisa” painted by Leonardo da Vinci; Disneyland, where we enjoyed the world of Disney and many fun rides; Heidelberg, Zurich, Brussels, and Switzerland, where we visited The Black Forest and had a snowball fight at the top of Mount Titlis. Last, but not the least, we went to Geneva, where we came to know about a unique ceiling work at the UNHeadquarters and its newly launched seventeen sustainable development goals. Everything was a great experience to me and I believe that my pockets are now full of sweet memories from my tour.

Student Name - Sahil

Class- 7th

School Name -The Mann School

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