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MBPS has accomplished something remarkable by selecting two students to represent the NBA in Delhi

Updated: May 18, 2022

Delhi, May 17th, 2022- All Manava Bhawna Public School Students are overjoyed by the selection of two students from class IX, Sahil and Saransh, and Head Coach Harry sir, to represent Delhi NBA. Mr. Harry, who was just named ‘Senior State Coach’ in the National Basketball Association, is an honour for the sports department. It is only possible because of his perseverance and hard work. The MBPS team finished third in the NBA for sub-junior boys. There were 32 teams in total, and their school team came in third place out of those 32. Sahil and Saransh, who have been selected for the Delhi team, will compete in a tournament conducted at the JP Green Academy in Noida from the 15th to the 20th of this month. The whole Manava Bhawna Public School team gives their best wishes to them.


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