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Maharashtra Govt. Approves Mumbai Civic Body's Proposal For 92 New Secondary Schools For EWS Student

MUMBAI: The Mumbai local body's plan to upgrade 92 primary schools to secondary educational institutions on a self-financing basis for children from the economically disadvantaged sections has been approved by the Maharashtra government (EWS). The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation operates more than 200 secondary schools in the city that provide instruction up to Class 10.

The Maharashtra government approved the BMC's plan to upgrade 92 primary schools so that secondary classes could begin in the new academic year of 2022–2023, according to a government order (GR) released on Wednesday." "The approval was granted following persistent follow-up and requests from numerous elected officials to convert the current primary schools to secondary schools, according to the statement.

All BMC schools are associated with the Pune-based Maharashtra State Secondary Education Board. According to the GR, requests to convert the 92 primary schools that are now in existence into secondary schools come up from time to time from parents, school management committees, local corporators, and politicians. The majority of the demand was made for kids from the economically disadvantaged groups who could not pay the private schools' tuition.

The state government on Wednesday approved the upgrade of 92 primary schools in accordance with the Maharashtra Self-Financed Schools (Establishment and Regulation) Act on the condition that the upgraded schools would not be given any financial support or subsidies to operate. According to the present policy and requirements of the state government, it would be obligatory for these new schools to provide all necessary facilities, including physical and academic ones as well as an adequate number of rooms. According to the decree, these schools will occasionally be required to abide by state standards.

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