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“JOURNEY-ASPIRE TO INSPIRE” Scholarstree Educare Private Ltd. is spreading its wings all over India

Having a great success of first two editions of “JOURNEY :-ASPIRE TO INSPIRE” Scholarstree Educare Private Limited is spreading its wings all over India.

We Care Foundation presents in association with Scholarstree Educare Private Limited , Palingo Foregin Online Language , Eduthon, Win Connects , Intellectual Network TM , Edu Drone and Win Connects are happy to announce the Third Edition of this Award Ceremony.

Scholarstree Educare Private Limited started this “JOURNEY :-ASPIRE TO INSPIRE" to pay our gratitude to the teaching fraternity from Pune, Maharashtra, and by the grace of God it was a great success and we are going to continue this all over India. This time the destination is Lucknow.

"JOURNEY: ASPIRE TO INSPIRE” was launched on the eve of Teachers day on September 4th, 2021 with the idea to deliver due respect to the educators who are the pillars, the backbone of the education system and the building blocks of any vibrant and informed society. They help us lay a firm foundation of knowledge and wisdom.

Educators and Teachers set a foundation of education and the mould of a child , which makes a student connect to a right path of life . With this awards we are not only praising them but also giving them a confidence of getting support from the society .

This time the educators will be witnessing the award ceremony on lands of Manners and Hospitality.

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