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National Voluntary Online Exam On 'gau Vigyan' On Feb. 25: Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog

Students of primary, secondary, and college levels and the general public can take part in the 'Kamdhenu Gau-Vignyan Prachar-Prasar Examination' without any fee.

NEW DELHI: The government on Tuesday announced a national-level voluntary online exam on 'gau Vigyan' (cow science) to be held on February 25, in a bid to generate interest among students and the general public about the indigenous cow and its benefits.

Announcing the first-ever exam of this kind, Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog (RKA) Chairman Vallabhbhai Kathiria said this exam will be held annually.

Students of primary, secondary, and college levels and the general public can take part in the 'Kamdhenu Gau-Vignyan Prachar-Prasar Examination' without any fee.

Further, Mr. Kathiria said there will be objective-type questions, and the syllabus will be recommended on the website of the RKA. The exam results will be declared immediately and certificates will be given to all. Meritorious candidates will be given prizes and certificates.


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