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Excellence Award 2021: National Career Counselors Network Invites Nominations

The National Career Counsellors Network invites the nominations for the Excellence Award 2021 in the following categories:

Individual awards

Best practice awards encompassing K12 schools; Employer Engagement; Technology and Research

The aim of the Awards:

  • To reward the mentors across Industry.

  • To identify and promote excellence in career development

  • To celebrate and generate a sense of pride in the career development profession and our partners

  • To raise the profile of Individual Career Coaches and the members of the National Career Counsellors Network

Award categories

1.1 Individual best practice awards

1.2 Best practice in special needs; employer engagement; and primary sector awards

1.3 Best practice research and technology awards

Self-nominations and entries are welcomed and encouraged.

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible to receive an individual best practice Award, you must be a certified Career Counsellor or an HR Professional or a Coach ( Across Industry & Domain)

Entrants to the Career Programme in Special Schools/Colleges; Career Related Learning in Primary Schools and Innovative and Impactful Employer Engagement Activity best practice Awards can be any institution

Students with extracurricular Activities into mentoring are also welcomed.

Award Ceremony – Friday 17 December 2021

There will be one winner in each category. The winners will be announced at Career Hackathon'21.

In 2019 over 220 and in 2020, over 500+ Guests participated. It provides an excellent opportunity for us to celebrate and showcase the best practices in career development.


The closing date for entries is Friday 19 November 2021 at 1800 Hrs.


It is our aim that Awards all individual Awards will be sponsored. We are currently seeking an overall sponsor and several individual Award sponsors.

For more information, please email:

If you have any questions, please email:


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