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Delhi: Fresh Application To Entry-Level Classes Of EWS, Special Needs Children Starts Today

Writer's picture: Khushi RanaKhushi Rana

NEW DELHI: Today, October 3, the Delhi Directorate of Education (DoE) will begin the new application process for admission to entry-level classes for kids in the economically disadvantaged groups (DG), children with special needs (CWSN), and economically weaker section (EWS) categories for the academic session 2022–23. The application forms will be made available on the DoE website, At 11 a.m. today, the DoE website will be updated with a list of Delhi schools that have openings. The deadline to register for introductory courses is October 10. Official statistics indicate that there are still roughly 10,329 open spaces in private unaided schools' first classes.

For parents of children seeking admission, the directorate has also provided two helpline numbers: 8800355192 and 9818154069, where they can submit concerns or inquiries. These hotlines will be available Monday through Friday from 10 am to 5 pm.

Starting on October 3, an online application module will be open for candidates in the EWS/DG category to submit their applications for the 5,881 open seats and the 4,448 open positions in the CWSN. On October 14, a tentative date and time for an online computerised draw of lots will be notified, according to a DoE Delhi circular that was previously published.


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