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Covid19 Responsive Behaviour training for Teachers, School Heads/Officials, Parents and Students

New Delhi : Covid19 Responsive Behaviour training for Teachers, School Heads/Officials, Parents and Students available at Diksha.

COVID 19 has impacted every student, teacher and parents. Must be worried, how to respond, when school reopens after pandemic? Let's join this short course and orient ourselves in the responsive behaviour, as and when schools reopen.

Date : 28th April to 31st May 2021

COVID 19 pandemic is an unprecedented humanitarian crisis which has forced prolonged closure of schools. At the time of school reopening, special precautionary measures have to be put in place by the school authorities to ensure safety of school staff, students and nearby communities from the COVID pandemic. This course has been designed with the objective of providing essential knowledge and action plan with demarcation of responsibilities, for prevention of transmission of COVID 19 in the school environment.


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