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COVID-19 – Measures for staying safe and triumphing this global pandemic – Ms Sanjana Bakshi Datta

Writer's picture: Shruti BhattShruti Bhatt

Dear All,

In continuation of the efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19, or CORONA Virus, the following initiatives of the Indian Government needs to be re-emphasized and brought to the notice of all our students and parents by ensuring we effectively utilize the communication channels available with the school staff and our students alike, in the interest of health and safety of all. We feel that we’ve done a commendable job so far and if we continue to follow the enlisted safety protocols, imbibing the practices such as frequent self-sanitization and social distancing, we will be able to defeat this pandemic before it wreaks havoc on our families, loved ones, our brethren, compatriots and national economy.

AROGYA SETU APP – The app for national registry of all individuals infected by COVID-19 also contains measures and action plan for fighting against the virus, which is useful for all Students, parents, teachers and other family members. The app can be downloaded for both iOS and Android devices.

PROTOCOLS FOR BOOSTING IMMUNITY – Health Ministry has developed a protocol for boosting self-immunity for kids and adults. The brochure can be downloaded by visiting the following link –

LOCKDOWN – Stay At Home, Stay Safe – is a mantra that we should all follow at the moment to prevent further spread of this pandemic and maintain social distancing while observing the prescribed 21 days of lockdown and should be prepared to continue the same, in case the lockdown needs to be further increased. We should utilize this time to study at home, develop and hone our skills, work on our weaknesses, pursue hobbies and come out of this pandemic, as improved and advanced versions of ourselves.

We strongly believe, if we follow these simple yet effective measures, we shall come out on top of this situation and serve as ideal example to other nations struggling with the same concern. Your cooperation and adherence is a service to the nation and is deeply appreciated.


Ms. Sanjana Bakshi Datta Principal DAV Public School R.K.Puram Delhi


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