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Connect to the Betterment of India’s Educational Future with Dr. Dinisha Bhardwaj

Nowadays, With the advancement in today’s world Smart Learning is also becoming important to both Educators and Students for better understanding and better learning experience. In a reflective classroom community, students work together in an engaging study of our past, and of our world today.

So, Let’s join Hands with Dr. Dinisha Bhardwaj, Principal of Global Indian International School, Kulalmpur – Malaysia.

Invitation for School Educators to attend the FREE Workshop on "Reflective Classroom" by Dr. Dinisha Bhardwaj and Organised by CED.

Important Details:-

Date : 06th September, 2022

Time : 05:00pm - 06:00pm

Interested ones can Join Workshop through this Zoom Meeting URL -

Meeting ID : 874 2167 6665

Passcode : S7@D16

Training & Assessment Unit


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