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Cognitive skills of 4-year-olds at anganwadis lower than private school counterparts: ASER

NGO Pratham’s Annual Status of Education Report finds that children from less-advantaged homes are ‘affected disproportionately’ in performing basic tasks.

New Delhi: Young children in the age group of four to five years who study in anganwadis or government schools are at a disadvantage compared to their counterparts in private schools, according to the latest Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) for 2019.

ASER, released by NGO Pratham on the state of education in India, has been around since 2005, and its findings are taken seriously by all stakeholders, including the government.

The report, which focuses on early education for children in the age group of 4 to 8 years, talks about their enrolment and cognitive skills. It is based on a survey conducted in 26 districts across 24 states in India, covering 1,514 villages, 30,425 households, and 36,930 children.

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