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CED Foundation along with school eduleaders from all over the country hosted its 8th National Teacher Award 2022 on the theme : " Implementation of NEP 2020 in schools" at India International Centre, New Delhi. It was a tremendous learning while listening to all the speakers and the interactions on the day of the event. Eminent educationist from CBSE, NCERT and NIOS graced the occasion with their valuable presence.. Prof. M. M. Pant ( former Pro vice Chancellor IGNUO), Prof. C. B. Sharma -former Chairman of NIOS), Major Gen. Vikram Dogra (AVSM Served in Indian Army) and Major Harsh Kumar ( Former Secretary of NCERT) were the profound dignitaries.

The event highlighted the need of implementation of NEP 2020 in the schools.The right education helps the students to prepare for their future professional lives.Skill-based education places the ownership of learning in the hands of students and helps them restrict the big gap of understanding. The assessment demonstrates their competency rather than grades and the education process is a great boon for drop-outs, as they can easily move ahead without a gap.

The function started with an address of welcome by Dr. Priyadarshi Nayak, Founder and Chairman of Global Talk Education Foundation.

100 educators and School leaders across the country were selected by the eminent Jury members and Senior Educationists out of 1200 applicants from Jammu to Kanyakumari and Gujarat to Assam.. They all were honoured by the guests in this Grand Award Ceremony. Success stories of these 100 selected eduleaders were published in the Icon book , which was released today by the Chief Guests.

The different award categories for which educators were nominated :

Mendal National Botany Teacher Award

Charles Darwin National Zoology Teacher Award

Shakespeare National English Teacher Award

Charles Babbage National Computer Teacher Award

P. C. Ray National Chemistry Teacher Award

C. V. Raman National Physics Award

Srinivasa Ramanujan National Math Teacher Award

Abdul Kalam National School Principal Award

Gyan Ratna National Award

Krida Ratna National Award

Sahitya Ratna National Award

Kala Ratna National Award

The purpose of these National Awards is to celebrate the unique contribution of some of the finest teachers in the country and to honor those teachers who through their commitment and industry have not only improved the quality of school education but also enriched the lives of their students.


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