NEW DELHI: Within 24 hours of the incident, Chandigarh police were able to locate a 12-year-old girl who had been kidnapped from her school in the Anand Vihar neighbourhood of Delhi, officials said on Thursday.
When the girl's father, Mukesh Kumar, reported his daughter missing after she failed to come home from school, the police formed a special team to find her.
In response to information of the kidnapping of a little girl, a case was opened at the Anand Vihar Police station, and a team was assembled to effectively conduct the investigation and free the girl, according to DCP Shahdara Rohit Meena.
The girl was rescued at the Chandigarh City Railway Station on Wednesday, according to the officials, as a result of CCTV footage, mobile phone monitoring, and local inquiries.
The woman was counselled by a counsellor from the Delhi Commission for Women, the police further reported.
On the basis of the statement the kid made while being questioned, police said more investigation is being conducted.